Sunday, November 29, 2020

November 2020 planet fest

October 2020 was when Mars was at it's closest approach to earth after 2005 opposition. 
Also, Jupiter and Saturn were in conjunction or close to each other in November 2020.
Here are some snaps of these two gas giants. 
Saturn: and Jupiter: note 8

Saturn: Nikon p900 without telescope:

Some of Saturn's moons besides the rings

Jupiter too: Nikon p900 without telescope:

Great red spot of Jupiter and it's moons. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Some pictures of Mars November 2020

Dobson 8 inch reflector telescope with Samsung galaxy note 8 mobile with orion adapter. Used an Orion stratus giant eyepiece. 5 mm and 13 mm.

The above Facebook post says it is possible to see and image the moons of Mars. I think I've captured one of them in the snaps above. 

Moon November 2020

Took some pictures of the moon with Nikon p900. Processed in Photoshop express and snapseed on mobile. 
