Saturday, August 06, 2016

The Milky way- 6th Aug 2016 from terrace

Milky way captured yesterday night (6th august 2016), 9.30 to 10 PM from terrace of nearby apartment. Canon 700D with tripod , 45 to 60 seconds exposure at 200 to 400 ISO, F3.5. Processed RAW images in Picasa and google photos later.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Old Saturn snaps I processed recently Mintron camera

These old Saturn snaps were taken from a Mintron cam capture with 4.5" reflector. Minimum processing on Registax:

This one was from a frame grab from the original video of Saturn:
Minimum processing in Picasa. False color added.

Mars in April 2016 Nikon P900 at max optical zoom

These snaps of Mars taken in April 2016 show that even Mars can be captured by Nikon P900. At maximum optical zoom of 83 X, here are the results. I processed the Mars snaps in Restax 6 and Picasa (both freeware). I could actually see the Martian clouds and polar ice cap with a bonus- Olympus Mons and nearby large mountains. All the Nikon snaps were done using either non tracking tripod or handheld.

Nikon P900 snaps of the full moon

At max optical zoom of 83X this was what I got from Nikon P900 this month (full moon) edited in picasa for brightness and contrast.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Some cool birding snaps- Nikon P900

A black drongo:

A humming bird perched nearby:
A pair of doves:


Mars-10 year old mintron video stacked in Feb 2016

I stacked an old Mintron video, processed in PIPP--> Castrator--> Autostakkert--> Picasa. The result is really good. Autostakkert is a by far better among the free  stacking softwares, easier to use than Registax 6.
That white cap on far right of Mars is the polar ice cap. Original grey scale image with artifical color added Picasa.

Jupiter and Jovian moons- Nikon P900 digicam without telescope

These snaps of Jupiter taken with Nikon P900 without the use of telescope:
Manual mode ISO 100, shutter 1/40 second, Here I stacked a video --> PIPP--> castrator--> Autostakkert-->picasa Then copy pasted a snap of the Jovian surface onto Jovian moon image
Here is an image of Jupiter Nikon P900, F 6.5, ISO 100, shutter 1/20 second. I copied a magnified version of the original image in Irfan view
Another image taken 27th feb 2016 same settings. This one a still snapshot. Minimum processing in Picasa

Moon in prime focus with Canon 700D and 8" Dobsonian

Some snaps with a 8" Skywatcher Dob + Canon 700D DSLR using focuser base of the 1.25" focuser directly hooked to Canon 700D in prime focus. These 2 snaps are from videos of the full moon --> PIPP--> Autostakkert--> picasa
